Live Broadcast 'ESG, Impact Investing and Implementation of the SDGs'
How to implement the SDGs in your investment portfolio in an efficient and effective way? What initiatives are there for institutional investors who wish to tighten their ESG policy in addition to the UN PRI UN Global Compact, the Stewardship Code of Eumedion and VBDO? How do you determine what you want as an investor and what you don't want?
What are the pitfalls when measuring SDGs? How do you deal with contradictions within the SDGs? What is the impact of your investment policy on the SDGs and how do you measure this impact? How to formulate your sustainable top-3 priority list? How to implement your sustainable top-3 priority list?
These questions were discussed at our Live Broadcast on ESG, Impact Investing and Implementation of the SDGs in Bussum on Tuesday October 6th, 2020 from 12.30pm until 5.15pm, which was followed by a networking reception. Top speakers shared their views ia various breakout sessions that could be chosen from.
Angélique Laskewitz, Executive Director at VBDO chaired this event.