CFA Institute: ESG Integration in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa: Markets, Practices, and Data

Vorige week publiceerde CFA Institute in samenwerking met PRI een nieuwe ESG-studie. Vooral de resultaten voor Nederland sprongen eruit:
The Netherlands
- ESG integration is more developed in the Netherlands compared to most other markets, with the use of integration and of impact investing both growing.
- Although nearly two-thirds of survey respondents in the Netherlands feel that governance issues often or always affect equity prices today, only about one-third believe the same of environmental and social issues. Over two-thirds of respondents feel that environmental and social factors will often or always impact equity prices by 2022.
- Risk management is the top driver of ESG integration in the Netherlands for equities, but alpha generation is a close second, signaling the Dutch position as a leader in ESG integration.